COMBO Mountain Bike racing Events are for everyone

At it’s heart, COMBO is a trail stewardship organization, but what would trails be if we didn’t ride them!? REALLY REALLY FAST! Whether it’s the first of it’s kind FUNduro Series or fulfilling your need for speed at Horns Downhill, you can find us at a trail head near you, timing system in hand.

Not only do our mountain bike racing events bring friendly competition with cash prizes, it builds our mountain bike community and all of the revenue generated (after expenses) goes right back into the trails you love and ride on. Our mountain bike race events also serve as the perfect opportunity to collaborate with other mountain bike organizations around Ohio.

If you have any questions about any of the races or events, please feel free to reach out to our Race Director.

Looking for recent race results? Click here.

Upcoming mountain bike races

Horns Hill Downhill

Sunday, April 13

Horns Hell XC

May 10th

Mayhem FUNDuro

June 8th

Devou Frienduro

July 20th

Looking for info on the Funduro race Series?

We don't blame you! The FUNduro Race Series is COMBO's premier Enduro race series and the ONLY one of its kind in Ohio.

The FUNduro takes the best of our local downhill trails, adds a pinch of our cross country and mixes in a whole lot of technical trail riding into once fun race. Unlike cross country racing, an enduro mountain bike race only times racers for the downhill stages and not the climbing or transfer stages. It helps level the playing field and makes things more interesting.

Have fun, ride enduro, FUNduro!


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Events in 2021
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